The last couple of weeks were super busy in “PyTorch Land” as we are frantically preparing the release of PyTorch v1.10 and TorchVision v0.11. In this 2nd instalment of the series, I’ll cover some of the upcoming features that are currently included in the release branch of TorchVision. Disclaimer: Though the upcoming release is packed […]
I’m starting a new blog post series about the development of PyTorch’s computer vision library. I plan to discuss interesting upcoming features primarily from TorchVision and secondary from the PyTorch ecosystem. My target is to highlight new and in-development features and provide clarity of what’s happening in between the releases. Though the format is likely […]
The Datumbox Framework v0.8.2 has been released! Download it now from GitHub or Maven Central Repository. What is new? The version 0.8.2 is a limited incremental release that focuses on resolving bugs and updating the dependencies of the framework. Here are the details: Bug Fixes: Resolved an issue on ShapiroWilk which led to the incorrect […]
The Datumbox v0.8.1 has been released! Download it now from Github or Maven Central Repository. What is new? The main focus of version 0.8.1 is to resolve various bugs, update the depedencies and improve the code architecture of the framework. Here are the details: Dependencies: Updated the Maven Compiler, Nexus Staging, Surefire, SLF4J and Logback […]
Datumbox Framework v0.8.0 is out and packs several powerful features! This version brings new Preprocessing, Feature Selection and Model Selection algorithms, new powerful Storage Engines that give better control on how the Models and the Dataframes are saved/loaded, several pre-trained Machine Learning models and lots of memory & speed improvements. Download it now from Github […]
I am really excited to announce that, after several months of development, the new version of Datumbox is out! The 0.7.0 version brings multi-threading support, fast disk-based training for datasets that don’t fit in memory, several algorithmic enhancements and better architecture. Download it now from Github or Maven Central Repository. What is new? The focus […]
The new version of Datumbox Machine Learning Framework has been released! Download it now from Github or Maven Central Repository. What is new? The main focus of version 0.6.1 is to resolve various bugs, reduce memory consumption and improve speed. Let’s see in detail the changes of this version: Bug Fixes: A minor issue related […]
The new version of Datumbox Machine Learning Framework has been released! Download it now from Github or Maven Central Repository. What is new? The main focus of version 0.6.0 is to extend the Framework to handle Large Data, improve the code architecture and the public APIs, simplify data parsing, enhance the documentation and move to […]
In this guide we are going to discuss how to install and use the Datumbox Machine Learning framework in your Java projects. Since almost all of the code is written in Java, using it is as simple as including it as dependency in your Java project. Nevertheless a couple of classes (DataEnvelopmentAnalysis and LPSolver) use […]
I am happy to announce that the Datumbox Machine Learning Framework is now open sourced under GPL 3.0 and you can download its code from Github! What is this Framework? The Datumbox Machine Learning Framework is an open-source framework written in Java which enables the rapid development of Machine Learning models and Statistical applications. It […]
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