In previous articles we have discussed the theoretical background of Naive Bayes Text Classifier and the importance of using Feature Selection techniques in Text Classification. In this article, we are going to put everything together and build a simple implementation of the Naive Bayes text classification algorithm in JAVA. The code of the classifier is open-sourced (under GPL v3 license) and you can download it from Github.
Update: The Datumbox Machine Learning Framework is now open-source and free to download. Check out the package com.datumbox.framework.machinelearning.classification to see the implementation of Naive Bayes Classifier in Java.
The code is written in JAVA and can be downloaded directly from Github. It is licensed under GPLv3 so feel free to use it, modify it and redistribute it freely.
The Text Classifier implements the Multinomial Naive Bayes model along with the Chisquare Feature Selection algorithm. All the theoretical details of how both techniques work are covered in previous articles and detailed javadoc comments can be found on the source code describing the implementation. Thus in this segment I will focus on a high level description of the architecture of the classifier.
This is the main part of the Text Classifier. It implements methods such as train() and predict() which are responsible for training a classifier and using it for predictions. It should be noted that this class is also responsible for calling the appropriate external methods to preprocess and tokenize the document before training/prediction.
The output of training is a NaiveBayesKnowledgeBase Object which stores all the necessary information and probabilities that are used by the Naive Bayes Classifier.
Both the training and the prediction texts in the implementation are internally stored as Document Objects. The Document Object stores all the tokens (words) of the document, their statistics and the target classification of the document.
The FeatureStats Object stores several statistics that are generated during the Feature Extraction phase. Such statistics are the Joint counts of Features and Class (from which the joint probabilities and likelihoods are estimated), the Class counts (from which the priors are evaluated if none are given as input) and the total number of observations used for training.
This is the class which is responsible for performing feature extraction. It should be noted that since this class calculates internally several of the statistics that are actually required by the classification algorithm in the later stage, all these stats are cached and returned in a FeatureStats Object to avoid their recalculation.
This is a simple text tokenization class, responsible for preprocessing, clearing and tokenizing the original texts and converting them into Document objects.
In the NaiveBayesExample class you can find examples of using the NaiveBayes Class. The target of the sample code is to present an example which trains a simple Naive Bayes Classifier in order to detect the Language of a text. To train the classifier, initially we provide the paths of the training datasets in a HashMap and then we load their contents.
//map of dataset files Map<String, URL> trainingFiles = new HashMap<>(); trainingFiles.put("English", NaiveBayesExample.class.getResource("/datasets/training.language.en.txt")); trainingFiles.put("French", NaiveBayesExample.class.getResource("/datasets/")); trainingFiles.put("German", NaiveBayesExample.class.getResource("/datasets/")); //loading examples in memory Map<String, String[]> trainingExamples = new HashMap<>(); for(Map.Entry<String, URL> entry : trainingFiles.entrySet()) { trainingExamples.put(entry.getKey(), readLines(entry.getValue())); }
The NaiveBayes classifier is trained by passing to it the data. Once the training is completed the NaiveBayesKnowledgeBase Object is stored for later use.
//train classifier NaiveBayes nb = new NaiveBayes(); nb.setChisquareCriticalValue(6.63); //0.01 pvalue nb.train(trainingExamples); //get trained classifier NaiveBayesKnowledgeBase knowledgeBase = nb.getKnowledgeBase();
Finally to use the classifier and predict the classes of new examples all you need to do is initialize a new classifier by passing the NaiveBayesKnowledgeBase Object which you acquired earlier by training. Then by calling simply the predict() method you get the predicted class of the document.
//Test classifier nb = new NaiveBayes(knowledgeBase); String exampleEn = "I am English"; String outputEn = nb.predict(exampleEn); System.out.format("The sentense \"%s\" was classified as \"%s\".%n", exampleEn, outputEn);
The particular JAVA implementation should not be considered a complete ready to use solution for sophisticated text classification problems. Here are some of the important expansions that could be done:
Even though using single keywords can be sufficient for simple problems such as Language Detection, other more complicated problems require the extraction of n-grams. Thus one can either implement a more sophisticated text extraction algorithm by updating the TextTokenizer.extractKeywords() method or use Datumbox’s Keyword Extraction API function to get all the n-grams (keyword combinations) of the document.
Before using a classifier usually it is necessary to preprocess the document in order to remove unnecessary characters/parts. Even though the current implementation performs limited preprocessing by using the TextTokenizer.preprocess() method, when it comes to analyzing HTML pages things become trickier. One can simply trim out the HTML tags and keep only the plain text of the document or resort to more sophisticate Machine Learning techniques that detect the main text of the page and remove content which belongs to footer, headers, menus etc. For the later you can use Datumbox’s Text Extraction API function.
The current classifier implements the Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier, nevertheless as we discussed in a previous article about Sentiment Analysis, different classification problems require different models. In some a Binarized version of the algorithm would be more appropriate, while in others the Bernoulli Model will provide much better results. Use this implementation as a starting point and follow the instructions of the Naive Bayes Tutorial to expand the model.
This implementation uses the Chisquare feature selection algorithm to select the most appropriate features for the classification. As we saw in a previous article, the Chisquare feature selection method is a good technique which relays on statistics to select the appropriate features, nevertheless it tends to give higher scores on rare features that only appear in one of the categories. Improvements can be made removing noisy/rare features before proceeding to feature selection or by implementing additional methods such as the Mutual Information that we discussed on the aforementioned article.
In the particular implementation it was important to improve the readability of the code rather than performing micro-optimizations on the code. Despite the fact that such optimizations make the code uglier and harder to read/maintain, they are often necessary since many loops in this algorithm are executed millions of times during training and testing. This implementation can be a great starting point for developing your own tuned version.
To get a good understanding of how this implementation works you are strongly advised to read the two previous articles about Naive Bayes Classifier and Feature Selection. You will get insights on the theoretical background of the methods and it will make parts of the algorithm/code clearer.
We should note that Naive Bayes despite being an easy, fast and most of the times “quite accurate”, it is also “Naive” because it makes the assumption of conditional independence of the features. Since this assumption is almost never met in Text Classification problems, the Naive Bayes is almost never the best performing classifier. In Datumbox API, some expansions of the standard Naive Bayes classifier are used only for simple problems such as Language Detection. For more complicated text classification problems more advanced techniques such as the Max Entropy classifier are necessary.
If you use the implementation in an interesting project drop us a line and we will feature your project on our blog. Also if you like the article please take a moment and share it on Twitter or Facebook. 🙂
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Hi Glenn,
Thanks for your comments. I’m not sure what you mean by semi-labeled Twitter messages. You can definitely use the Naive Bayes implementation as a basis for your code. As I point out on the article there are some changes that are required to make (such as the tokenization algorithm etc). I have more tips on Sentiment Analysis projects on this blog. I will not provide you with links because basically in most articles I discuss document classification and sentiment analysis. Just check my previous posts.
Good luck with your thesis! 🙂
Hi Neenu,
You need to consider what are your features. Which of them you will keep. Are they continuous or discrete? If they are discrete an approach as the one that I follow here would be sufficient (you can even use a large part of the code). If they are continuous you need to either fit a distribution on them and make your calculations or use a non-parametric method and build the histogram of your values. It heavily depends on what type of data you have.
If I were you I would search on Google Scholar to see how researchers tried to tackle the problem, what are the state of the art methods, the pitfalls and the best practices etc. Note that if your features are highly correlated using Naive Bayes is not an appropriate technique because it assumes conditional independence.
Good luck! 🙂
Hey Evis,
Thanks for the comment. Sure, feature selection is an important part. You are not forced to do particularly chi-square; you can select some other test/technique though.
Thanks Jatin. Check this out:
Hey, I advise you to use the Datumbox Machine Learning Framework which supports several different versions of Naive Bayes classifier and it guaranteed to be bug free. 🙂
Hello Vasilis,
I was wondering if there was an easy way to save off a trained classifier for reuse in Datumbox. Thanks!
Hi Alex,
Yes of course. Once you train a classifier, the results are stored automatically. You define the location on your properties file.
I was wondering, can I use this algorithm for purpose other than text mining, like some prediction.
Hello and congrats for your work! it’s great…
I was wondering if we could somehow save the model that we have already trained… if so, could you provide some instructions to do so?
thank you in advance!
I have the posts from facebook and I have to classify that post into social, marketting, job oppourtunities and new technologies. How can I use the naive bayes classifier to get the result.
I am doing work in a product categorization system using ML but not able to find the correct results. Can you suggest me some idea, so that even I am using different e commerce datasets, same product will come in same cluster.
Hello Vasilis,
I was wondering that you are using single .txt files for english, french and german respectively. Whereas when I see the pseudocode that you have shared on another link for “Multinomial Naive Bayes” , that code requires the count for documents of each class. So here we have one huge file of text for each class. How does that part work than?
I was wondering if i could use the code for Document classification instead of Text classification. If so could you please tell me how.
Thanks in advance!
Can I Use Multinomial model for detection SQL Injection?
We have a research about this algorithm and one of our objectives is to remove hyphens “-” in the delimiters of the text tokenizer of this program so that hyphenated words such as mother-in-law would have been counted as one word. But i can’t find where the delimiters are in the code. Can you help me sir in this concern? Thank you.
Hello I need to use Naive Bayes for Weather Analysis ! I have a set of Tweets stored in the data base ! I need to take those tweets and perform Naive Bayes on it ! Classes are Weather Categories ! Is this sufficient ? And if you can tell me what change need to be done I would be very grateful !!